Christmas Donations
This year Real Garant have decided again to forego corporate Christmas gifts to customers and business partners in order to – instead – donate the money. We are supporting projects which are particularly important to us and which are mainly focused on helping the youngest ones in our society. The employees of our different branches have agreed on the organization or project they would like to support in their respective country:
For the German market, we asked our employees: from 9 suggestions received, the management chose the “Kinderglück foundation”. The foundation supports disadvantaged children, e.g. with school satchel campaigns or by sharing the costs of a holiday programme.
The Belgian colleagues have chosen the organization “bednet“. Bednet ensures that even sick children can actively participate in lessons with their class. Through a live connection, they can see the teacher and their classmates, they can receive and send documents and even participate in group work – almost as if they were really sitting in the classroom.
In Italy the donations go to the “Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer”. The hospital is known far beyond Tuscany for its diagnostic skills, compassionate care and rehabilitation of children and adolescents. In addition, the hospital is a driving force for research and innovation in these areas.
In Spain it is the “Aladina” foundation which will benefit from our donation. The foundation is committed to supporting children and adolescents suffering from cancer as well as their parents and siblings. The aim is to promote the physical as well as the mental health of the families. This is achieved, for example, by offering free, professional psychological support and by developing a physical exercise program.
The Motol Childrens Hospital in Prag is looking forward to the donation of our CEE region. In this hospital children and young people with acute and chronic diseases receive comprehensive care. This includes both treatment based on the latest medical expertise but also psychological support for the patients and their families.