Co-operation in the far north: Real Garant and AutoConcept strengthen their partnership
Real Garant launched in Northern Europe and the Baltic countries at the beginning of 2021. The partner for the expansion in Scandinavia is AutoConcept, based south of Gothenburg (Sweden). In 2022, the two companies plan to further expand the co-operation.
After the start of the co-operation between Real Garant and AutoConcept at the beginning of 2021, the team managed to attract a well-known American partner from the motorcycle business in Northern Europe. The operational business then started in October 2021. On the part of Real Garant, Karsten Hübl, who has been working for the customer loyalty specialist since September 2021, is in charge of the co-operation.
In the co-operation, AutoConcept takes over the operational part of the sales and administration activities while Real Garant Versicherung AG assumes the role of the insurer. Both companies have set themselves the goal of improving the customer loyalty of their partners in the long term and sustainably and are therefore in close exchange with each other.
“During our market visit, it became clear very quickly that AutoConcept and Real Garant have very similar views, ideas and a way of doing things that makes an expansion of the business relationship seem absolutely logical, purposeful and profitable. To leave this opportunity unused is a clear mistake and will not happen to us. Therefore, I am already looking forward to the continuation and expansion of the co-operation in 2022 and the following years and I am full of confidence that this will end in a “win-win-win situation” for all parties involved (AutoConcept, Real Garant and, of course, the partners and their customers),” says Karsten Hübl, Director Nordics Real Garant.
“We are really happy to have found the co-operation with Real Garant. Two strong companies that share the complete passion for improving our customers business through our services. A well thought warranty program is in our beliefs, one of the best tools to, increase customer value, turnover and profit, in a highly competitive market.” – Ulf Coxner, CEO of AutoConcept Insurance AB.
The companies plan to further expand the collaboration in 2022. The first concrete approaches to opening up further business areas in Northern Europe are already being developed. Already in the second half of the year, it is planned to start the implementation in order to support the trade with customer-specific and market-driven products for customer loyalty.