and legal notices
Legal Notice
Real Garant Versicherung AG
Marie-Curie-Str. 3
73770 Denkendorf
Tel: +49 (0) 711 49063 0
Email: info@realgarant.com
Acting supervisory authority
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BAFin)
Graurheindorfer Strasse 108
53117 Bonn, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 228 4108 0
Fax: +49 (0) 228 4108 1550
Supervisory board chairman: Carsten Schildknecht
Executive committee: Lutz Kortlüke (Chairman), Florian Rohkamm, Jörg Seidel, Michael Reuter
Legal form: Corporation
Company seat: Denkendorf
District court Stuttgart (HRB 213642)
VAT ID No: DE246063838
Unless otherwise indicated, Real Garant Versicherung AG is the provider of all telemedia offered on realgarant.com as well as all other telemedia that refer to this imprint.
Notice pursuant to § 36 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Law (VSBG):
Real Garant Versicherung does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Companies of Real Garant Versicherung AG
Real Garant Versicherung AG operates some of its business in Germany via service providers.
This website contains all mandatory details for the principal companies of Real Garant Versicherung AG active in Germany.
Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme
Management: Lutz Kortlüke, Florian Rohkamm, Michael Reuter, Jörg Seidel
Company seat: Denkendorf
District court: Stuttgart (HRB 213660)
Vat ID No: DE180236061
This imprint is also valid for:
Real Garant in Europe
In Europe we are active under the freedom of establishment as well as under the rules on the freedom to provide services. This website contains the mandatory details for these activities.
Real Garant Versicherung AG
Branch Office Austria
Perfektastrasse 73/2/2
1230 Vienna
Legal form: Branch office
Branch address: Vienna
District court Vienna FN 216956d
VAT ID No: ATU61037425
Authorised agent: Michael Erb, M.A.
In addition to supervision by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (see above), the Austrian branch is also subject to limited legal supervision by the Austrian Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanzmarktaufsicht, FMA), Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna.
Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme
Branch office for Austria
Perfektastrasse 73/2/2
1230 Vienna
Legal form: Branch office
Branch address: Vienna
District court Vienna FN 444626m
VAT ID No: ATU70254618
Permanent representative: Michael Erb, M.A.
Notice pursuant to § 19 of the Federal Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs: Our branch offices in Austria do not participate in alternative dispute resolution procedures for consumer disputes.
Real Garant España, S.L.
Avenida de Europa, 24
28108 Alcobendas (Madrid)
Legal form: Single-member company
Company seat: 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid)
Commercial registry in the city of Madrid, volume 17339, page 121, sheet M-297.441
VAT ID No: ESB07756034
Managing representative: Lutz Kortlüke
Notice pursuant to EC Directive 2013/11 of 21/5/2013 on the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs: Real España, S.L. does not participate in alternative dispute resolution procedures for consumer disputes.
Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme
Branch Office for Hungary
1117 Budapest, Irinyi József utca 4-20
Legal form: Branch office
Branch address: Budapest
Company registration: 13-17-000246
VAT ID No: HU28996219
Permanent representative: Ádám Pataki
Notice pursuant to EC Directive 2013/11 of 21/5/2013 on the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs: Our branch office in Hungary does not participate in alternative dispute resolution procedures for consumer disputes.
Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme
Siriusdreef 17
2132WT Hoofddorp
Legal form: Branch office
Branch address: Hoofddorp
Company registration: 93099584
VAT ID No: NL866276208B01
Permanent representative: Ruben Rafael Vis
Notice pursuant to EC Directive 2013/11 of 21/5/2013 on the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs: Our branch office in Netherlands does not participate in alternative dispute resolution procedures for consumer disputes.
Real Garant Versicherung AG
Branch Office Belgium
Manta 12
9250 Waasmunster
Legal form: Branch office
Branch address: Waasmunster
Company registration: 0478766858
VAT ID No: BE0478766858
Authorised agent: Wim Vanackere
In addition to supervision by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (see above), the Belgian branch is also subject to limited legal supervision by the Autorité des services et marchés financiers (FSMA), Rue de Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels and the Banque Nationale de Belgique, Boulevard de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels.
Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme
Branch Office for Belgium
Manta 12
9250 Waasmunster
Legal form: Branch office
Branch address: Waasmunster
Company registration: 0680483704
VAT ID No: BE0680483704
Permanent representative: Wim Vanackere
Notice pursuant to EC Directive 2013/11 of 21/5/2013 on the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs: Our branch office in Belgium does not participate in alternative dispute resolution procedures for consumer disputes.
Real Garant Versicherung AG
Branch Office Italy
Via Enrico Fermi 11A
37135 Verona
Legal form: Branch office
Branch address: Verona
Cammerao di commerico industria artigianato e agricoltura di Verona, Numero REA VR-432966
VAT ID No: IT10122640963
Authorised agent: Domenico Soldo
In addition to supervision by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (see above), the Italian branch is also subject to limited legal supervision by the “Instituto per vigilanzasulle assicurationi” (IVASS), Via del Quirimaie 21, 00187 Roma.
Notice pursuant to EC Directive 2013/11 of 21/5/2013 on the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs: Our branch office in Italy does not participate in alternative dispute resolution procedures for consumer disputes.
Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme,
Denkendorf, Zweigniederlassung Muttenz
Stegackerstrasse 15
4132 Muttenz
Legal form: Branch office
Branch address: 4132 Muttenz
Handelsregisteramt Kanton Basel-Landschaft: Firmennummer CHE-160.471.088
VAT ID No: CHE-160.471.088
Authorized agent: Thomas Rüegg
Real Garant Versicherung AG is an active service provider in the following countries. In addition to supervision by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (see above), respective national supervisory authorities provide limited legal supervision.
Financial Supervision Commission
16 Budapeshta str.
1000 Sofia
Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
Miramarska 24b,
10000 Zagreb
Central Bank of Cyprus
John Kennedy 80,
Nicosia 1076,
Czech Republic
Česká Národní Banka
Well Přikopĕ 28
115 03 Prague 1
Århusgade 110
2100 København Ø
Sakala 4,
Tallinn, 15030
PL 103, Snellmaninkatu 6,
00101 Helsinki
Service des Organismes d’Assurances
Secrétariat général de l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution
Adresse : 4 Place de Budapest
CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09
Great Britain
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA)
Threadneedle Street
London, EC2R 8AH
21, E. Venizelos Avenue GR
102 SO Athens
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
1054 Budapest
Szabadsá tér 9
Financial Supervision
Seðlabanki Íslands Fjármálaeftirlit
Kalkofnsvegur 1
101 Reykjavík
Central Bank of Ireland
New Wapping Street
North Wall Quay
Dublin 1
D01 F7X3
Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni
Via del Quirinale 21
00187 Roma
Latvijas Banka
Valdemāra 2A
Rīgā, LV-1050
Lietuvos bankas
Totorių g. 4,
01121 Vilnius
Commissariat des Assurances
7, Boulevard Joseph II
1840 Luxembourg
Malta Financial Services Authority,
Triq l-Imdina, Zone 1
Central Business District, Birkirkara,
CBD 1010, Malta
Revierstredet 3
P.O.Box 1187 Sentrum
0107 Oslo
Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego (KNF)
Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego
Piękna 20 skr. poczt. 419
00-549 Warsaw
Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões
Avenida da República, n.º 76, 6º
1600-205 Lisboa
Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară
Splaiul Independenței 15, sector 5
050092 București
Narodna banka Slovenska
Imricha Karvasa 1
813 25 Bratislava
AZN Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor
Trg republika 3
1000 Ljubljana
Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones
Paseo de la Castellana, 44
28046 Madrid
Box 7821
103 97 Stockholm
Notice pursuant to guideline 2013/11 of 21/5/2013 on the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs and § 36 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Law (VSBG): With the exception of the Netherlands, in the countries specified above we do not participate in any alternative dispute settlement procedure for consumers.
Web page contents
The information contained in this website is intended to provide an initial introduction to our products and services. For individual product features, please refer to the contractual documents and the respective products’ general terms and conditions. The information on these websites does not replace case-related advice from appropriate technical experts. Real Garant Versicherung AG and Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme does not accept liable any for damages resulting from the use of the content of these websites.
We have carefully researched the contents of these web pages. The contents of these web pages are regularly examined and revised for currency and completeness. However, we can not rule out the possibility of error. We therefore provide no guarantee for the currency, completeness or accuracy of the information and notices provided.
Trademark use, logos and the use of the contents of these web pages
The trademarks and logos of Real Garant Versicherung AG and Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme used on these web pages are protected by trademark law. The use of trademarks and logos of Real Garant Versicherung AG and Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme as well as the content of these websites – even in excerpt – is not permitted without our express written consent.
Linking to other websites
As far as our web pages are linked to other websites, we hereby inform you that the contents of these websites have not been verified and we accept no liability for the content of other websites.
Notice pursuant to EC Directive 2013/11 from 21/5/2013 on the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs
Real Garant Versicherung AG and Real Garant GmbH Garantiesysteme does not take part in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board and are not obliged to do so. This applies to all the countries in which we operate, with the exception of the Netherlands.
Verein Versicherungsombudsmann e.V., Berlin
Real Garant Versicherung AG is not a member of the Versicherungsombudsmann e.V., Berlin.
Mobility guarantee
In Germany, our mobility guarantee insurance is offered through our partner Europ Assistance Versicherungs AG, Infanteriestrasse 11, 80797 Munich, Germany.
In Belgium, our mobility guarantee insurance is offered through our partner AXA Assistance Benelux, Avenue Louise 166, B1-1050 Brussels, Belgium.
In Austria, our mobility guarantee insurance is offered through our partner Europ Assistance Holding Irish Branch, 13-17 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.
In Spain, our mobility guarantee insurance is offered through our partner IMA IBÉRICA, C/Julián Camarillo, 29, 28037 Madrid.
Data Protection Officer
The tasks of the data protection officer are administered by the group privacy officer at the Zurich Insurance Group Germany. Please send any questions to:
Zurich Group Germany
Group Privacy
50427 Köln, Germany